I don’t know about you but I like riding my favorite bike whatever the weather.
There is a lot of misinformation regarding winter damage to carbon frames. Whether it is winter or summer you still need to keep your bike clean. If you leave ingress on the bike after a wet ride then that can eventually cause problems. It is not only specific to winter.
Granted grit is only used in the cold months but as long as you are sweating over your frame on the turbo you are doing the same as you would on a winter ride. Wash it down and get the salts off. Salt eats at the cable stops and gets under the lacquer where is it damaged but it can’t really penetrate directly through lacquer or carbon itself.
The group set is likely to experience more moisture in winter then in summer but again, if you lube the chain correctly and clean the bike when you are done it should be fine! Wash it down while it is still wet and get some WD40 or GT85 or whatever brand you use onto the moving parts. You can spray some onto a clean cloth and wipe the frame down but don’t leave it wet. Use common sense!
So ride the bike that you love unless you like punishing yourself on a rubbish frame so you ride with wings in the warmer months….. fair enough but well maintained carbon bikes are fine in all weathers.
Thanks for your support and endorsement. It has been a fantastic year.
Merry Christmas and a good cycling New Year from us all at CBR!