
The Swift N-Gen respray, we like clients who have a clear idea of what they want so

we can make their dreams a reality. After a consultation with our client, they mentioned

they loved the luminous yellow colour of their existing bar tape. With that in mind we helped them pick

a good contrasting colour for the luminous yellow, a light grey. The transformation from the

black, white and blue to grey and yellow couldn’t be more different. A note on the luminous

paint, we do usually advise staying away from them as they do fade over time, but doesn’t it look great!

What happens when you take on a taxi with your carbon bike? This Pinarello FP 6 was involved in

a head on collision and the taxi won. Fortunately the rider was not injured but the bike frame had a major head

tube fracture down both sides and underneath. This is a very serious fracture, as it connects

the top tube to the down tube, it has to be done properly to make the bike safe to ride again. When the

repair was completed, the client decided to go for a full custom respray, a dark blue with gold Pinarello heritage

logos. It’s not to everyone’s taste but we like how it turned out.

More Venge’s. Didn’t know there were that many! Some customers look to CBR to custom spray new designs. No small task if you know the value of these frames.

At last the P3 is getting its first base coat. It has taken a while to get to this frame again as it is not a priority repair but I am looking forward to proving that it is fully competitive again.