
Got this Cube Litening that had a side impact. The seat stay was broken off at the top and bottom of the chain stay. The seat stay piece was also snapped into two pieces. The first job was to align the broken parts together with a strong epoxy on the frame itself. Once cured in perfect alignment the repair could begin. Each break was rebuilt with 5 layups of different CF weave to ensure stiffness. In this case I resprayed the repair.

I was sent a set of Bontrager 700’s that had melted down an Alpine run. The rear wheel profile was deformed from the incorrect pads and brake surface was de-laminated. Luckily the wheel was still true so I took on the project.

Firstly the profile had to be reset by creating a mold of the correct profile. After cutting away the damaged area I rebuilt the wheel and brake surface. It is important to get the weight the same so there is no bias to a heaver side. The wheels are as good as new.